Reduced Fees for Minting and Redeeming USD+ Tokens on Base Chain

2 min readJun 6, 2024


We are excited to announce a significant update to our fee structure for minting and redeeming USD+ tokens on the Base network. We are reducing the fee from 0.04% to 0.01%.

Why Change?

  1. Reduced Volatility: Lowering the fee helps to stabilize the USD+ token, making it less volatile. This change is crucial for users who want to provide liquidity in a narrower price range without fearing impermanent loss.
  2. Increased Capital Efficiency: By minimizing volatility, liquidity providers can confidently supply liquidity within a tighter range. This strategy enhances capital efficiency, allowing liquidity providers to maximize their earnings potential.
  3. Enhanced Profitability: More capital-efficient liquidity provision means that users can generate higher returns on their investments. The reduced fee structure supports this by ensuring that more of the earnings are retained by the users.
USD+/USDC volatility on Aerofrome Finance

Benefits for Users

  • Lower Costs: The fee reduction directly decreases the cost of minting and redeeming USD+ tokens, making it more affordable for users to engage with the token.
  • Higher Returns: Enhanced capital efficiency means that liquidity providers can achieve higher profitability, making it an attractive opportunity for those looking to maximize their returns.
  • Reduced Risks: Due to the decreased volatility, the risk of impermanent loss is significantly reduced. This makes liquidity provision less risky and more appealing for users.

We believe that these changes will significantly benefit our community by providing a more stable, cost-effective, and profitable environment for USD+ token transactions and liquidity provision.

